6 Modules Interview Tips

It’s a proven fact that assessing a candidate’s past behaviour including behavioural preferences is the best way to their future performance.

The 6 Modules interviewing circuit is a comprehensive behavioral interviewing technique that will ensure that you don’t leave any patterns uncovered. The number of interview stages should be in line with the level of you are recruiting for, and we recommend an average of 2 or 3 stages.


In the Czech Republic and Central Europe we operate in an extremely limited recruitment market, so we recommend that the first interview take place with the Line Manager or in his presence. It should cover the following factors of the candidate’s profile:

  • Experience to date (what they’ve done and how)
  • Communication channels (with whom, and their  impact  in business)
  • Their 3-5 year plan (motivation for the job, expectations, previous experience and what experience they are seeking to gain)
  • Individual personality evaluation  (whether they’ll  fit  into the culture  and dynamics of the department or team)

This stage should allow the interviewer to get a positive or negative impression of the candidate and determine whether he or she should progress to further stages.


At this stage we recommend a more behavior-focused interview. We will provide you with a Psychometric Assessment (when agreed), and this will add the foundation of science to the art of interviewing.

Our Psychometric Assessment determines specific behavioral questions to ask each candidate. It also gives you a framework to probe deeper into what makes each candidate tick.


The 6 behavioral modules provide all  the necessary  behavioral information  you  need about each candidate. With our  Psychometric Testing  you  will know  what  to  ask  in  each  of  these  6  modules:

  • Proactive Questioning (Actions and results-oriented behavior)
  • Interactive Questioning (Level of involvement behavior)
  • Reactive Questioning (Often referred to as leading questions, these encourage the responder to choose and develop a response)
  • Intellective Questioning (Evaluates capacity to reason, understand and act)
  • Nurturance Questioning (Assists in evaluating emotional influence when interacting and making decisions)
  • Dispositional Questioning (Assists in evaluating individual behavior as a result of internal characteristics when facing external influences)


If you implement the third stage interview we recommend including other members of the team. A very effective way to make the right choice is to request that candidates prepare a brief presentation on the most relevant topic for the job, or on how they would approach their first 30 days in the organization and the job itself.

If you would be interested in taking part in our Interview WORKSHOPS to update your skills in ways how to implement the 6 Modules Interview Techniques please click on the link below and complete the brief form. We will contact you back much sooner that you expect.


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